ISSN: 1011-727X
e-ISSN: 2667-5420

The Soldier Identity Book of 12th Ottoman Automobile Troop in the Fırst World War (Transcriptıon And Assessment)

Nuri Köstüklü

Issue: November 2018, Volume XXXIV - Issue 98 Pages: 41-126
0 1234

Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Gaining Independence and Turkey (1990-1992)

Tahir Kodal

Issue: November 2018, Volume XXXIV - Issue 98 Pages: 411-444
7383 770

The Russian Muslims in the Ottoman Press at the Beginning of World War I

Tuncay Öğün

Issue: May 2018, Volume XXXIV - Issue 97 Pages: 81-108
5258 1542

Relatıons Wıth Yemen From Ottoman Empıre To The Republıc Of Turkey (1911-1938)

Ü. Gülsüm Polat

Issue: November 2017, Volume XXXIII - Issue 96 Pages: 113-154
11384 1127

Dersaadet Tramway Workers Strıke (26 January-7 February 1922)

Serkan Tuna

Issue: November 2017, Volume XXXIII - Issue 96 Pages: 69-112
900 630

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk And The Turkısh War Of Independence Accordıng To Croatıan Sources

Anđelko Vlašıć

Issue: November 2017, Volume XXXIII - Issue 96 Pages: 47-68
2724 960

The Effect Of The Second World War To Graın Productıon In Izmır

Pakize Çoban Karabulut

Issue: May 2017, Volume XXXIII - Issue 95 Pages: 93-122
1817 642

The Evaluatıon Of The Removal Of Islamıc Tıthe Taxes In Framework Of The Istanbul Chamber Of Commerce And Industry Report In The Year Of 1926

Şahin Yeşilyurt, Ali Tuna

Issue: May 2017, Volume XXXIII - Issue 95 Pages: 39-92
4830 875

Bandıtry And Armenıan Events In Erzıncan After Berlın Treaty

Necati Fahri Taş

Issue: November 2016, Volume XXXII - Issue 94 Pages: 1-28
2868 1035

Echoes Of The Sıgnature And Ratıfıcatıon Of Treaty Of Lausanne In The Tanın

Seydi Vakkas Toprak

Issue: May 2016, Volume XXXII - Issue 93 Pages: 1-46
25455 1432

Ottoman State’s Approach Towards Polısh Natıonal Internees, And Polısh Mılıtary Internees Who Dıed In Turkey (1915 – 1918)

Nuri Köstüklü

Issue: November 2015, Volume XXXI - Issue 92 Pages: 1-30
1946 1487

Turkey-Egypt Relatıons In The Tıme Of Ataturk And Theır Effects On Our Tıme

Arda Baş

Issue: November 2015, Volume XXXI - Issue 92 Pages: 31-76
4745 628

The Factors Affectıng Turkey-Italy Relatıons In Atatürk Perıod And After

Mevlüt Çelebi

Issue: May 2015, Volume XXXI - Issue 91 Pages: 93-130
5145 1039

The Polıcy Of Makıng Armenıans Emıgrate Into The Erıvan Khanete Whıch Was A Hıstorıcal Terrıtory Of Azerbaıjan In The 18th - 20th Centurıes

Şöhret Mustafayev

Issue: May 2015, Volume XXXI - Issue 91 Pages: 69-92
1735 990

Turkısh - Greek Relatıons In Atatürk Perıod, 1923 - 1938

Bestami S. Bilgiç

Issue: May 2015, Volume XXXI - Issue 91 Pages: 1-28
17290 1434

Claims Related to the Unionist Polity of Turkification and Contradictions in History Writing

Nazlı Günay

Issue: March 2014, Volume XXX - Issue 88 Pages: 115-158
8413 1572

1939 Great Earthquake Erzincan

İlhan Haçin

Issue: March 2014, Volume XXX - Issue 88 Pages: 37-70
105665 1206

A Report Wrıtten By Alfred Rustam Bay, Ambassador Of Chetına, On The Sıtuatıon Of Provınces Of Iskodra And Kosovo Before Balkan War*

Nuri Köstüklü

Issue: November 2012, Volume XXVIII - Issue 84 Pages: 41-56
640 782

A Report Prepared By Cyprus Consulate Of Turkiye About The Cyprıot Turks Before Tmt And Some Thoughts On It

Nuri Köstüklü

Issue: November 2011, Volume XXVII - Issue 81 Pages: 533-544
452 563

The Bombardment of Trabzon by the Russian Navy and Effects of the Bombardment on Trabzon (1914-1916)

Mehmet Akif Bal

Issue: November 2011, Volume XXVII - Issue 81 Pages: 545-576
5777 1156