ISSN: 1011-727X
e-ISSN: 2667-5420

The Effect Of The Second World War To Graın Productıon In Izmır

Pakize Çoban Karabulut

Issue: May 2017, Volume XXXIII - Issue 95 Pages: 93-122
2481 982

Historic Letters of Kazım Karabekir Pasha Published in Press and Their Reflections in Public Opinion / Erol Evcin

Erol Evcin

Issue: November 2013, Volume XXIX - Issue 87 Pages: 1-66
7526 2079

Atatürk’s House in Erzurum

Gültekin Kamil Birlik

Issue: July 2013, Volume XXIX - Issue 86 Pages: 27-52
1353 2093

The Development of Physical Education in Turkey in Atatürk Period and Gazi Physical Education Depertmen

Nejla Günay

Issue: March 2013, Volume XXIX - Issue 85 Pages: 72-100
5628 1216

Mustafa Kemal’s Relation with Press and the Minber Newspaper

Dilek Çavuş

Issue: July 2008, Volume XXIV - Issue 71 Pages: 543-556
10566 5049

What was Çanakkale or How Were Imperialists Stopped

Sadık Tural

Issue: November 2006, Volume XXII - Issue 64-65-66 Pages: 1-14
872 751

The Speech of Mustafa Kemal Pasha in the Grand National Assembly of Turkey During the Fourth Extension of Supreme Commander Act

Gülseren Akalın

Issue: November 2006, Volume XXII - Issue 64-65-66 Pages: 209-214
2220 916

The Role of Haci Bedir Aga in National Struggle and the Activities in the Grand National Assembly of Turkey

Mehmet Gündüz

Issue: November 2019, Volume XXXV - Issue 100 Pages: 415-448 DOI: 10.33419/aamd.642373
13329 2660

Karakol Association-Mustafa Kemal Pasha Rivalry in the Kocaeli Peninsula and the Yahya Kaptan Event I

Murat Aydoğdu

Issue: November 2009, Volume XXV - Issue 75 Pages: 605-634
2129 1743

Yusuf Akçura’s Activities in National Struggle

Gürhan Kat

Issue: November 2010, Volume XXVI - Issue 78 Pages: 589-614
2217 954

Bırth Certificate Of Turkish Republic: Amasya Cırcular

Serap Taşdemir

Issue: November 2005, Volume XXI - Issue 63 Pages: 1071-1089
0 4456

The Sovereİgnty and The Control of the Financial Resources in the Sumnıer of 1920

M. Derviş Kılınçkaya

Issue: March 2005, Volume XXI - Issue 61 Pages: 305-321
0 868

Yusuf Akçura and Religion

Fatih M. Sancaktar

Issue: March 2005, Volume XXI - Issue 61 Pages: 385-398
0 1311

Cilicia Durıng Turkısh in Dependence War Years “An Approaca On Social And Economic Aspects”

İbrahim İslam

Issue: March 2004, Volume XX - Issue 58 Pages: 47-64
0 1349

Inspecting of the Cavalry Corps by Mustafa Kemal Pasha Before the Great Attack (Büyük Taarruz) and the Cavalry Corps in Ilgın Manaeuvre

Zekeriya Türkmen

Issue: March 2004, Volume XX - Issue 58 Pages: 203-230
0 2928

Commander-in-Chief Gazi Mustafa Kemal Pasa in Hereke

Mustafa Hergüner

Issue: March 2004, Volume XX - Issue 58 Pages: 169-202
0 1004

An Old Document About Atatürk

Zeki Arıkan

Issue: July 1989, Volume V - Issue 15 Pages: 607-612
0 867

Atatürk and Nationalism

Turhan Feyzioğlu

Issue: March 1985, Volume I - Issue 2 Pages: 353-412
0 3903

Atatürk As The Leader Of National Liberation

Cemal Enginsoy

Issue: March 1985, Volume I - Issue 2 Pages: 527-542
0 923

Ali Rıza Paşa Hükümeti Kuva-yı Milliye İlişkileri

Zekeriya Türkmen

Issue: March 2000, Volume XVI - Issue 46 Pages: 37-87
0 1068