ISSN: 1011-727X
e-ISSN: 2667-5420

The Topic of Union of Islam in the Journal Kanun-i Esasi

Seydi Vakkas Toprak

Issue: May 2018, Volume XXXIV - Issue 97 Pages: 109-138
1687 1037

Mustafa Kemal Pasha: Through the Eyes of Three Ministers of the Atatürk Era

Fehim Kuruloğlu

Issue: May 2018, Volume XXXIV - Issue 97 Pages: 55-80
1103 989

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk And The Turkısh War Of Independence Accordıng To Croatıan Sources

Anđelko Vlašıć

Issue: November 2017, Volume XXXIII - Issue 96 Pages: 47-68
3303 1174

A Journalıst In Relatıon To Polıtıcs-Trade-Medıa In The Early Republıcan Perıod: Mehmed Zeki Bey

Ahmet Asker

Issue: November 2016, Volume XXXII - Issue 94 Pages: 49-94
1235 967

Echoes Of The Sıgnature And Ratıfıcatıon Of Treaty Of Lausanne In The Tanın

Seydi Vakkas Toprak

Issue: May 2016, Volume XXXII - Issue 93 Pages: 1-46
32591 1663

An “Offıcıal” Perspectıve To Workıng Class In The Early Republıcan Perıod: Amele Teali Cemiyeti From The Perspectıve Of Cumhurıyet Newspaper

Eminalp Malkoç

Issue: May 2015, Volume XXXI - Issue 91 Pages: 29-68
2903 1330

Amıl Chalabı, The Mavlavı Sheıkh Of Kastamonu, And Hıs Famıly In World War I And Natıonal Struggle

Nuri Köstüklü

Issue: July 2014, Volume XXX - Issue 89 Pages: 1-10
1035 1105

Historic Letters of Kazım Karabekir Pasha Published in Press and Their Reflections in Public Opinion / Erol Evcin

Erol Evcin

Issue: November 2013, Volume XXIX - Issue 87 Pages: 1-66
6983 1910

Some Documents Relating to Kığı Association for the Defence of National Rights

Nuri Köstüklü

Issue: November 2013, Volume XXIX - Issue 87 Pages: 141-198
1047 2014

The Activities Against Ottoman Empire and the Organization of Turks in Switzerland (1918-1922)

Cengiz Mutlu

Issue: July 2012, Volume XXVIII - Issue 83 Pages: 65-86
3089 2151

The Menemen Affair Acording to Çankırı Press

İsmet Özen

Issue: July 2012, Volume XXVIII - Issue 83 Pages: 39-64
16065 4725

Milli Mücadele Yıllarında Türk Bahriyesinin Durumu ve Faaliyetleri

Umut C. Karadoğan

Issue: November 2011, Volume XXVII - Issue 81 Pages: 603-650
4844 1375

The Domenstrations, Commemoration Ceremonies And Ovatıons Whıch Were Organized In The Bolu Dıstrıct In The Period Of The Turkısh National Struggle

Erol Evcin

Issue: July 2011, Volume XXVII - Issue 80 Pages: 241-292
2261 1059

Approaches of Principle and Sample Practices in Turkish Foreign Policy During The War of National Salvation

Fahri Yetim

Issue: March 2011, Volume XXVII - Issue 79 Pages: 71-96
17151 5984

Turkish Press in the Transition to Multi-Party PeriodTurkish Press in the Transition to Multi-Party Period

Neşe Yeşilçayır

Issue: March 2011, Volume XXVII - Issue 79 Pages: 131-192
2148 1302

Allied Powers’ Announcement As Neutrality In The Greeco-Turkish War (13 May 1921)

Abdurahman Bozkurt

Issue: January 2010, Volume XXVI - Issue 76 Pages: 27-54
11433 1317

Yalvaç in the Turkish National Struggle and the Martyrs From Yalvaç

Nuri Köstüklü

Issue: July 2009, Volume XXV - Issue 74 Pages: 235-252
1740 1531

Akşehir in the Turkish National Struggle

Nuri Köstüklü

Issue: July 2008, Volume XXIV - Issue 71 Pages: 299-318
2574 2323

An Ottoman and Republican Politician Bureaucrat: Mehmet Sabri Toprak (1878-1938)

Seyfi Yıldırım

Issue: July 2008, Volume XXIV - Issue 71 Pages: 513-542
1569 1669

Mustafa Kemal’s Relation with Press and the Minber Newspaper

Dilek Çavuş

Issue: July 2008, Volume XXIV - Issue 71 Pages: 543-556
8627 4779