ISSN: 1011-727X
e-ISSN: 2667-5420

27 May Independence and Constıtutıon Day

Mahmut Bolat

Issue: November 2018, Volume XXXIV - Issue 98 Pages: 377-410
7078 1481

Mehmet Akif (Ersoy), Burdur Deputy of the First Parliament of Turkey and His Aktivities

Hakan Bacanlı

Issue: May 2018, Volume XXXIV - Issue 97 Pages: 1-54
3035 688

The Gentry-Trıbe Clash In The Early 20th Century: The Case Of Mıllı Trıbe And The Dıyarbakır Gentry

Oktay Bozan

Issue: November 2017, Volume XXXIII - Issue 96 Pages: 1-46
13681 713

The Tanin (1922-1925)

Nahit Yüksel

Issue: May 2017, Volume XXXIII - Issue 95 Pages: 1-38
2004 703

Claims Related to the Unionist Polity of Turkification and Contradictions in History Writing

Nazlı Günay

Issue: March 2014, Volume XXX - Issue 88 Pages: 115-158
8460 1577

“Wish System” as an Example of Party-State Integration in the Single Party Period

Sevda Mutlu

Issue: July 2013, Volume XXIX - Issue 86 Pages: 53-102
4104 853

Ziya Gökalp: From Turanısm To Turkısm

Ceylan Tokluoğlu

Issue: November 2012, Volume XXVIII - Issue 84 Pages: 104-143
3736 4898

The Implementations of the General Elections in Turkey, From The Decleration of Republic to 1950

Kenan Olgun

Issue: March 2011, Volume XXVII - Issue 79 Pages: 1-36
35823 1180

Well - known Turkish Poet Yahya Kemal Beyatlı’s Extraodinary Envoy and Ambassador

Bilal N. Şimşir

Issue: November 2007, Volume XXIII - Issue 67-68-69 Pages: 11-88
6703 1894

The Reasons And Results Of Mustafa Kemal’s Chargıng Of Selahattin Saip Bey In Albanıa (1920-1923)

Selma Yel, Halil Özcan

Issue: March 2008, Volume XXIV - Issue 70 Pages: 57-74
1684 971

Hüseyin Cahit Yalçın’s View to Turkish Revolution in Magazine “Fikir Hareketleri”

Nahit Yüksel

Issue: November 2006, Volume XXII - Issue 64-65-66 Pages: 347-378
1232 498

The Speech of Mustafa Kemal Pasha in the Grand National Assembly of Turkey During the Fourth Extension of Supreme Commander Act

Gülseren Akalın

Issue: November 2006, Volume XXII - Issue 64-65-66 Pages: 209-214
1436 600

The Caliphate Qustion in Islamic Thought in the 86th Years of the Accepting Revolutionary Codes

Ethem Ruhi Fığlalı

Issue: November 2008, Volume XXIV - Issue 72 Pages: 611-644
1830 495

Rıza Tevfik with his Political Approaches in the First Phase of Second Constitutional Era

Turhan Ada

Issue: March 2012, Volume XXVIII - Issue 82 Pages: 151-174
1330 596

By-Elections in the Ottoman Parliament, 1908-1912

Kenan Olgun

Issue: March 2012, Volume XXVIII - Issue 82 Pages: 1-24
7912 1132

The Sovereİgnty and The Control of the Financial Resources in the Sumnıer of 1920

M. Derviş Kılınçkaya

Issue: March 2005, Volume XXI - Issue 61 Pages: 305-321
0 563

Yusuf Akçura and Religion

Fatih M. Sancaktar

Issue: March 2005, Volume XXI - Issue 61 Pages: 385-398
0 937

Principles of national sovereignty and our Constitutions

Hamza Eroğlu

Issue: November 1984, Volume I - Issue 1 Pages: 137-163
0 2446

Proclamation of The Republic of Turkey

Hamza Eroğlu

Issue: November 1989, Volume VI - Issue 16 Pages: 7-26
0 1190

Foreign Policy of Atatürk

Yılmaz Altuğ

Issue: November 1989, Volume VI - Issue 16 Pages: 39-46
0 1169