ISSN: 1011-727X
e-ISSN: 2667-5420

Legal Nature Of The Government Of The Grand National Assembly Of Turkey

Ergun Özbudun

Issue: March 1985, Volume I - Issue 2 Pages: 475-504
0 3710

Atatürk, Religion and Secularism

İbrahim Agah Çubukçu

Issue: March 1985, Volume I - Issue 2 Pages: 573-576
0 481

Basis of Kemalist Thought: Secularism

Doğu Ergil

Issue: March 1990, Volume VI - Issue 17 Pages: 245-300
0 675

Caliphate, Religion and Secularism

İbrahim Agah Çubukçu

Issue: March 1990, Volume VI - Issue 17 Pages: 301-306
0 957

Atatürk, Millî Birlik ve Beraberlik

Yücel Atila

Issue: March 2000, Volume XVI - Issue 46 Pages: 117-132
0 933

Milli Mücadele Dönemi Türkiye-İslam Ülkeleri Münasebetleri

Metin Hülagü

Issue: November 1999, Volume XV - Issue 45 Pages: 901-938
0 960

Misak-ı Milli and our Constitution

Ahmet Mumcu

Issue: July 1985, Volume I - Issue 3 Pages: 813-830
0 2149

The Principle of Laicism In Atatürk’s Democracy

İsmet Giritli

Issue: November 1985, Volume II - Issue 4 Pages: 55-64
0 819

Isparta Defense Law Society

Nuri Köstüklü

Issue: July 1990, Volume VI - Issue 18 Pages: 601-614
0 642

Atatürk, Religion and Secularism

Cemal Avcı

Issue: July 1990, Volume VI - Issue 18 Pages: 479-492
0 729

Atatürkist Secularism Concept

İsmet Giritli

Issue: July 1990, Volume VI - Issue 18 Pages: 473-478
0 1034

Constitution of 1924

Ahmet Mumcu

Issue: March 1986, Volume II - Issue 5 Pages: 383-400
0 4011

Atatürk and Social Security (23.4.1920-10.11.1938)

Zahit Gönencan

Issue: November 1990, Volume VII - Issue 19 Pages: 131-140
0 659

Vilayat-ı Şarkıye Müdafaa-i Hukuk-ı Milliye Cemiyeti Erzurum Şubesi’nin Kuruluşu ve Atatürk’ün Cemiyete Katkıları

İsmail Şen

Issue: July 2000, Volume XVI - Issue 47 Pages: 537-559
0 1799

September 9th July 1923 between the dates 1922-24 Turkey General Features of the Legal Aspects of Adoption and Monitoring of Foreign Policy in the International Field

M. Vehbi Tanfer

Issue: November 1991, Volume VIII - Issue 22 Pages: 105-116
0 776

Defense Law Studies in Adana and Surrounding Region

İzzet Öztoprak

Issue: November 1991, Volume VIII - Issue 22 Pages: 117-140
0 2814

Motifs about Islamic History in Nutuk

Ethem Ruhi Fığlalı

Issue: November 1991, Volume VIII - Issue 22 Pages: 39-44
0 1310

Ataturk's Brings in Law

Gülnihal Bozkurt

Issue: November 1991, Volume VIII - Issue 22 Pages: 45-54
0 2024

Transition from Defense Law Society to People's Party.

İhsan Güneş

Issue: March 1987, Volume III - Issue 8 Pages: 427-442
0 1757

Atatürk and Secularism

Ergun Özbudun

Issue: July 1992, Volume VIII - Issue 24 Pages: 429-438
0 890