ISSN: 1011-727X
e-ISSN: 2667-5420

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk And The Turkısh War Of Independence Accordıng To Croatıan Sources

Anđelko Vlašıć

Issue: November 2017, Volume XXXIII - Issue 96 Pages: 47-68
3628 1314

The Effect Of The Second World War To Graın Productıon In Izmır

Pakize Çoban Karabulut

Issue: May 2017, Volume XXXIII - Issue 95 Pages: 93-122
2479 980

An “Offıcıal” Perspectıve To Workıng Class In The Early Republıcan Perıod: Amele Teali Cemiyeti From The Perspectıve Of Cumhurıyet Newspaper

Eminalp Malkoç

Issue: May 2015, Volume XXXI - Issue 91 Pages: 29-68
3292 1477

Charıtıes’ Actıvıtıes Of Cınema In Turkey And Publıc Perceptıon Of Cınema Untıl The Foundatıon Of Turkısh Republıc

Feyza Kurnaz Şahin

Issue: March 2014, Volume XXX - Issue 88 Pages: 1-36
1264 917

Historic Letters of Kazım Karabekir Pasha Published in Press and Their Reflections in Public Opinion / Erol Evcin

Erol Evcin

Issue: November 2013, Volume XXIX - Issue 87 Pages: 1-66
7522 2077

Celâl Bayar: Like a Sculpture Which Has Been Made From Granide

Hikmet Özdemir

Issue: November 2007, Volume XXIII - Issue 67-68-69 Pages: 89-102
963 1209

The Armenian Activities in İstanbul and Preventive Precautions

Yusuf Sarınay

Issue: November 2007, Volume XXIII - Issue 67-68-69 Pages: 103-132
5639 1279

The Moving Plans Of Ottoman Government And Ottoman Sultan From İstanbul During The Gallipoli Wars

Mustafa Selçuk

Issue: March 2008, Volume XXIV - Issue 70 Pages: 195-212
3206 965

What was Çanakkale or How Were Imperialists Stopped

Sadık Tural

Issue: November 2006, Volume XXII - Issue 64-65-66 Pages: 1-14
870 750

The Pamphlet Which was Written Sait Molla in 1923 and its Analyse

Mehmet Demiryürek

Issue: November 2006, Volume XXII - Issue 64-65-66 Pages: 161-208
1271 1118

The Life of the Russian Refugees in Istanbul During the Period of the Armistice

Tülay Alim Baran

Issue: November 2006, Volume XXII - Issue 64-65-66 Pages: 119-140
5825 1156

The Speech of Mustafa Kemal Pasha in the Grand National Assembly of Turkey During the Fourth Extension of Supreme Commander Act

Gülseren Akalın

Issue: November 2006, Volume XXII - Issue 64-65-66 Pages: 209-214
2216 915

The Conversations, Declarations and İnterviews of Marshal Fevzi Çakmak Belonging to the Turkish National Warfare, the War of Indepence and Atatürk

Derya Genç Acar

Issue: November 2006, Volume XXII - Issue 64-65-66 Pages: 293-328
17392 5910

The Republic in the Yeni Gün

Nurettin Gülmez

Issue: July 2005, Volume XXI - Issue 62 Pages: 613-666
898 1728

The Official Occupation of İstanbul by the Allies and Their Activities

Ş. Can Erdem

Issue: July 2005, Volume XXI - Issue 62 Pages: 677-694
30728 1428

Turkey Teachers Union: Its Organizational Structure and Activities (1921-1936)

Yunus Pustu

Issue: May 2019, Volume XXXV - Issue 99 Pages: 51-94 DOI: 10.33419/aamd.557989
2307 1062

Bırth Certificate Of Turkish Republic: Amasya Cırcular

Serap Taşdemir

Issue: November 2005, Volume XXI - Issue 63 Pages: 1071-1089
0 4456

Mustafa Kemal Paşa Has Been Lead of War Independence

. Hamza Eroğlu

Issue: November 2005, Volume XXI - Issue 63 Pages: 841-858
32129 1450

The Sovereİgnty and The Control of the Financial Resources in the Sumnıer of 1920

M. Derviş Kılınçkaya

Issue: March 2005, Volume XXI - Issue 61 Pages: 305-321
0 868

Council of Saltanate Were Make in Armistice Period

Kemal Yakut

Issue: March 2005, Volume XXI - Issue 61 Pages: 77-122
0 1478