ISSN: 1011-727X
e-ISSN: 2667-5420

Atatürkçü Düşüncenin Tarihsel Gelişimine Bir Bakış

Sait Aşgın

Issue: March 2001, Volume XVII - Issue 49 Pages: 281-288
0 887

An overview of the pre-Republic and the method of Atatürk's Revolution

Cihat Akçakayalıoğlu

Issue: November 1986, Volume III - Issue 7 Pages: 171-196
0 749

National Unity and Togetherness

Hamza Eroğlu

Issue: November 1986, Volume III - Issue 7 Pages: 85-100
0 23940

Atatürk and the Building of a Modern Nation State

Yılmaz Altuğ

Issue: November 1986, Volume III - Issue 7 Pages: 107-126
0 736

Ataturk's Brings in Law

Gülnihal Bozkurt

Issue: November 1991, Volume VIII - Issue 22 Pages: 45-54
0 2436

Atatürk and the Turkish Revolution through the Eyes of a Stranger ( Translation)

Turhan Bayçu

Issue: March 1987, Volume III - Issue 8 Pages: 393-400
0 819

Atatürk and Secularism

Ergun Özbudun

Issue: July 1992, Volume VIII - Issue 24 Pages: 429-438
0 1090

Atatürk’s Principle of Revolution

Bekir Tünay

Issue: July 1987, Volume III - Issue 9 Pages: 671-680
0 4604

Peace And Love in Kemalizm

İbrahim Agah Çubukçu

Issue: July 1987, Volume III - Issue 9 Pages: 657-662
0 844

Secularism in Atatürk Revolutions

Necat Tüzün

Issue: November 1987, Volume IV - Issue 10 Pages: 27-34
0 668

Darülfünûn’s War of Independence and Is Perspective on Revolutions

Abdurrahman Siler

Issue: March 1995, Volume XI - Issue 31 Pages: 177-186
0 847

Kemalism as an Ideology of Modernization

İsmet Giritli

Issue: March 1988, Volume IV - Issue 11 Pages: 289-296
0 889

Atatürkist Ideology and Contemporary Ideologies

Vural Savaş

Issue: March 1988, Volume IV - Issue 11 Pages: 311-344
0 1150

The Hardest of the Revolution

Sadi Irmak

Issue: March 1988, Volume IV - Issue 11 Pages: 285-288
0 483

Letter Revolution and Atatürk

İsmet Giritli

Issue: November 1988, Volume V - Issue 13 Pages: 31-36
0 1059

Atatürk’s Revolutions and Modemization

Utkan Kocatürk

Issue: November 1988, Volume V - Issue 13 Pages: 107-126
0 1196

The Universality of the Turkish Revolution

M. Vehbi Tanfer

Issue: July 1995, Volume XI - Issue 32 Pages: 493-499
0 946

Intellectual Foundations of the 1926 Legal Revolution

Ömer Turan

Issue: July 1995, Volume XI - Issue 32 Pages: 477-492
0 904

Kemalism in Increasing the Turkish Nation as the Most Civilized, High-Welfare Nation (A System Approach)

Necdet Öztorun

Issue: July 1988, Volume IV - Issue 12 Pages: 527-550
0 821

Turkish Legal Revolution and Secularism

Zeki Hafızoğulları

Issue: July 1988, Volume IV - Issue 12 Pages: 665-670
0 873