ISSN: 1011-727X
e-ISSN: 2667-5420

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk And The Turkısh War Of Independence Accordıng To Croatıan Sources

Anđelko Vlašıć

Issue: November 2017, Volume XXXIII - Issue 96 Pages: 47-68
3666 1325

Amıl Chalabı, The Mavlavı Sheıkh Of Kastamonu, And Hıs Famıly In World War I And Natıonal Struggle

Nuri Köstüklü

Issue: July 2014, Volume XXX - Issue 89 Pages: 1-10
1223 1237

Historic Letters of Kazım Karabekir Pasha Published in Press and Their Reflections in Public Opinion / Erol Evcin

Erol Evcin

Issue: November 2013, Volume XXIX - Issue 87 Pages: 1-66
7568 2091

Some Documents Relating to Kığı Association for the Defence of National Rights

Nuri Köstüklü

Issue: November 2013, Volume XXIX - Issue 87 Pages: 141-198
1274 2169

The Activities Against Ottoman Empire and the Organization of Turks in Switzerland (1918-1922)

Cengiz Mutlu

Issue: July 2012, Volume XXVIII - Issue 83 Pages: 65-86
3561 2344

Milli Mücadele Yıllarında Türk Bahriyesinin Durumu ve Faaliyetleri

Umut C. Karadoğan

Issue: November 2011, Volume XXVII - Issue 81 Pages: 603-650
5566 1551

The Domenstrations, Commemoration Ceremonies And Ovatıons Whıch Were Organized In The Bolu Dıstrıct In The Period Of The Turkısh National Struggle

Erol Evcin

Issue: July 2011, Volume XXVII - Issue 80 Pages: 241-292
2608 1200

Approaches of Principle and Sample Practices in Turkish Foreign Policy During The War of National Salvation

Fahri Yetim

Issue: March 2011, Volume XXVII - Issue 79 Pages: 71-96
18464 6354

Allied Powers’ Announcement As Neutrality In The Greeco-Turkish War (13 May 1921)

Abdurahman Bozkurt

Issue: January 2010, Volume XXVI - Issue 76 Pages: 27-54
13222 1502

Yalvaç in the Turkish National Struggle and the Martyrs From Yalvaç

Nuri Köstüklü

Issue: July 2009, Volume XXV - Issue 74 Pages: 235-252
1966 1684

Akşehir in the Turkish National Struggle

Nuri Köstüklü

Issue: July 2008, Volume XXIV - Issue 71 Pages: 299-318
3094 2533

An Ottoman and Republican Politician Bureaucrat: Mehmet Sabri Toprak (1878-1938)

Seyfi Yıldırım

Issue: July 2008, Volume XXIV - Issue 71 Pages: 513-542
1939 1880

Eskişehir at the Beginning of the 20th Century

Zafer Koylu

Issue: July 2008, Volume XXIV - Issue 71 Pages: 381-412
2325 2206

Homeland Security of Turkey During the War of National Independence and Turkish Police

Ali Dikici

Issue: November 2007, Volume XXIII - Issue 67-68-69 Pages: 339-382
3570 1537

Celâl Bayar: Like a Sculpture Which Has Been Made From Granide

Hikmet Özdemir

Issue: November 2007, Volume XXIII - Issue 67-68-69 Pages: 89-102
976 1221

The Conversations, Declarations and İnterviews of Marshal Fevzi Çakmak Belonging to the Turkish National Warfare, the War of Indepence and Atatürk

Derya Genç Acar

Issue: November 2006, Volume XXII - Issue 64-65-66 Pages: 293-328
17496 5939

The Sivas Congress of Bibliography Study

Fatih M. Dervişoğlu

Issue: July 2005, Volume XXI - Issue 62 Pages: 493-520
1477 1681


Ali Dikici

Issue: November 2009, Volume XXV - Issue 75 Pages: 523-574
5866 3345

Analysis Of First İnönü War According to the War Reports

Hüsnü Özlü

Issue: March 2012, Volume XXVIII - Issue 82 Pages: 25-52
14378 1752

Turkish - Egyptian Relations in the Era of Atatürk (1926-1938)

Semih Bulut

Issue: November 2010, Volume XXVI - Issue 78 Pages: 535-560
3675 1131