ISSN: 1011-727X
e-ISSN: 2667-5420

Yücel Güçlü

Keywords: Diplomat, Secretary-General, Foreign Minister


Numan Menemencioğlu (1893-1958) is a diplomat who had pursued a brilliaııt career in the Turkish foreign service between 1914 and 1956. Menemencioğlu acted as the Secretary-General of the Turkish Foreign Ministry for thirtecn years in 1929-1942 and he assumed vital roles in the negotiation of such national questions as the Straits and Hatay with the foreigners. In International circles he was popular on account of his bright intellect and conciliatory skill and possessed a rcputation as an astute bargainer. Menemencioğlu has also acted as Foreign Minister in 1942-1944, represented Turkey as ambassador to France in 1944-1956 and was elected deputy from İstanbul in 1957.