ISSN: 1011-727X
e-ISSN: 2667-5420

Atatürk and Peace

İsmet Giritli

Issue: July 1986, Volume II - Issue 6 Pages: 607-613
0 807

Atatürk's Economic View: Statism

Mustafa Aydın Aysan

Issue: July 1986, Volume II - Issue 6 Pages: 614-644
0 1662

Principles Of A Program To Carry Out Kemalism With The Movement

Necdet Öztorun

Issue: July 1986, Volume II - Issue 6 Pages: 557-578
0 4455

Atatürk's Understanding of Culture and Education

Reşat Kaynar

Issue: July 1986, Volume II - Issue 6 Pages: 579-584
0 596

Atatürk As Political Leader

Ergun Özbudun

Issue: July 1986, Volume II - Issue 6 Pages: 645-668
0 1438

Atatürk and Democracy

Muzaffer Erendil

Issue: July 1986, Volume II - Issue 6 Pages: 683-732
0 3719

In The Face Of Geopolitical Threats: "Peace At Home, Peace In The World”

Bekir Tünay

Issue: July 1986, Volume II - Issue 6 Pages: 743-756
0 928

Atatürk and Women's Rights

Turhan Feyzioğlu

Issue: July 1986, Volume II - Issue 6 Pages: 585-602
0 3075

Özdemir Bey’in Musul Harekâtı ve İngilizlerin Karşı Tedbirleri (1921-1923)

Zekeriya Türkmen

Issue: March 2001, Volume XVII - Issue 49 Pages: 49-79
0 1043

Yeni Doğuş: Manisa Halkevi Dergisi

Nejdet Bilgi

Issue: March 2001, Volume XVII - Issue 49 Pages: 131-157
0 847

Selected Bibliography of English Articles on Atatürk Era

Mustafa Çufalı

Issue: March 2001, Volume XVII - Issue 49 Pages: 237-280
0 1237

Atatürkçü Düşüncenin Tarihsel Gelişimine Bir Bakış

Sait Aşgın

Issue: March 2001, Volume XVII - Issue 49 Pages: 281-288
0 657

Understanding of Atatürk’s Foreign Policy: Peace at Home, Peace in the World and Accession of Hatay to Turkey

Cezmi Eraslan

Issue: March 2001, Volume XVII - Issue 49 Pages: 91-106
0 666

Türk Edebiyatında Mustafa Kemal (Atatürk) İsminin Yer Aldığı İlk “Manzum” ve “Mensur” Esere Dâir

Ömer Çakır

Issue: March 2001, Volume XVII - Issue 49 Pages: 119-130
0 589

Atatürk’ün Bilinmeyen Bir Mektubu

Abdullah İlgazi

Issue: March 2001, Volume XVII - Issue 49 Pages: 81-89
0 849

Saltanat’tan Cumhuriyet’e İmparatorluk’tan Millî Devlet’e

Rahmi Doğanay

Issue: March 2001, Volume XVII - Issue 49 Pages: 1-22
0 840

An overview of the pre-Republic and the method of Atatürk's Revolution

Cihat Akçakayalıoğlu

Issue: November 1986, Volume III - Issue 7 Pages: 171-196
0 577

Atatürk and National Unity

Reşat Kaynar

Issue: November 1986, Volume III - Issue 7 Pages: 1-4
0 420

Atatürk, The Leader of National Liberation and Its International Influence

Turhan Feyzioğlu

Issue: November 1986, Volume III - Issue 7 Pages: 13-48
0 998

Journey Bginning in Samsun and Ending in İzmir (1919-1922)

İsmet Giritli

Issue: November 1986, Volume III - Issue 7 Pages: 49-58
0 870