ISSN: 1011-727X
e-ISSN: 2667-5420

Sedat Cereci

Keywords: Mustafa Kemal, courage, stability, insisting, humility, genius, communication


Great men are rarely appeared in mankind history. They shine with their success, get hero with their works. The successes of those people are based on some features in their personality: Courage, stability, insisting, humility, genıus. But there is an important, common factor for their success: To be in dense and positive communication process with the other people in their society. Mustafa Kemal had extraordinary features as other extraordinary people. He had knowledge and experience about using communication languages and to code the messages as much as an expert. There were some basic features in his personality: Stability, to have a target, humility, insisting. His target on horizons has been obvious since his childhood: Freedom of his country and his nation. He never lived in striking appearance, always prefered plainness. His discipline was appreciated by Italians in Libia. Another important feature İn his personality was stability. When he saw the 53 ships fleet of occupİ- er nations in Haydarpasha harbour in İstanbul in 1918, he said that "they will leave how they came". As a matter of fact, occupiers left some later. Musta¬fa Kemal was a very great man, but he was very humble too. After republic was established, the parliament chose President. 158 deputies voted for Mus-tafa Kemal. Only he didn't vote for himself.