ISSN: 1011-727X
e-ISSN: 2667-5420

Nuri Köstüklü

Keywords: Amil Chalabi, Kastamonu, World War I, National Struggle, Kastamonu Mavlavihana


As it is known, World War I and the following National Struggle was a self defence movement that comprised exceptionally critical developments like continuance of the Turco-Islam presence in Anatolia. Although there were some problems and non-national developments during that critical process, everybody from seven to seventy went all out to defend the country. The sofi foundations made significant contributions to those struggles, as well. The Mavlavihanas, having important positions in Turkish sufism, undertook exceptional missions.

The Mavlavihanas took part in providing logistic support such as establishing hospitals and the like for the injured soldiers in the Balkan War. They volunteered to form a battalion and actually fought in the fronts during World War I. They also peformed important services in molding public opininon and defending the homeland during the National Struggle. Amil Chalabi, the postnishin of Kastamonu Mavlavihana, and his family took part considerably in all those activities.

In this paper, the activities Amil Chalabi and his family took part enduring World War I and the National Struggle will be dealt with especially in the light of the documents in Ottoman Archive of Prime Ministry, Republic Archive of Prime Ministry, and Archive of Mevlana Museum and other sources.