ISSN: 1011-727X
e-ISSN: 2667-5420

Ercan Haytoğlu

Keywords: Faik Asal, Mehtâb, Şebtâb, Acıpayam, People’s Republican Party


Starting his life quest from Acıpayam, Mehmet Faik, adding to this quest Denizli, İzmir and İstanbul for the purpose of education, witnessed the declaration of Constitutional Monarchy and 31 March Events. Mehmet Faik, who could not complete his further education, started to work for Tanin, one of the most important newspapers of the period. Meanwhile, he worked as the responsıble head of the Westemist Mehtâb periodical, after its abolishment as the general manager for Şebtâb periodical. With Hüseyin Kazım Bey's appointment to Salonika as the govemor, he was appoİnted as the governor to the Osturva sub District of Vodine County İn Salonika. He returned back to İstanbul after the Balkan War started. He decided to tum back to Acıpayam after Babı- Ali Descent. Mr. Mehmet Faik performed the duties of county management and court counselor. Mr. Mehmet Faik served as the Chief of Türk Ocakları, Head and Fiduciary of CHP, Member of Provincial Council, Majör of Acıpayam, Member of Province Permanent Committee and as Deputy of Denizli İn the 7th period Turkish National Assembly (1943-1946) His coming up for 1946 electİons as independent deputy candidate caused deterioration in his relations with his party. Faik Asal, after serving in Acıpayam Forest Administration and as Court Counselor in Yeşilova Borough of Burdur died on 27'h June, 1958.