ISSN: 1011-727X
e-ISSN: 2667-5420

Bilal N. Şimşir

Keywords: : Mosul question, Turkey - Great Brİtain, Irak, Frontier Security, Turcomans, League of Nations


Mosul province of yesterday, it mcans that north of Iraq of today. When the date of sİgned of Mondros Armistice Agreement in October of 30, 1918, Turkey had a substantial part of Mosul city and Mosul Province. The English, in November of 15, 1918 occupied to Mosul Province 15 days later, that is when the Armistice was signed and taken away the weapons, and they wanted to show legitimate, in accordance with the 7th article of the Armistice Agreement for this occupancy. However Turkey, after the Armistice was signed, didn't recognize the occupancies, as well, where were on the Anatolia and Thrace lands, found the occupancy of Mosul Province unjust and didn't recognize, too. The National Assembly of Ottoman (Chamber of Deputies), dated January of 28, 1920, at the secret cession, accepted the National Pact. The National Pact accepted the Armistice boundary that was south in October of 30, 1918, has accepted as a Turkey's government boundary and therefore Mosul Province had been considered into the Turkey boundaries, too. When İsmet Pasha went to Lausanne, took on a heavy task for rescue from the foreign occupancy both İstanbul and region of straits, and Mosul Province, with a diplomatic channel: For Turkey, Mosul Province was important, so important; but İstanbul and Straits region were important vitally, it was sine qua non and had prİority. The comprehensive instruction's, the article about Mosul, which was given to İsmet Pasha by the Government, was like that: "Iraq boundary: Sülaimaniya, Kirkuk, Mosul brigades will be wanted, İf another sİtuation comes out at the conference; instruction will be received from the Government.