ISSN: 1011-727X
e-ISSN: 2667-5420


Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli Üniversitesi, İletişim Fakültesi, Halka İlişkiler ve Tanıtım Bölümü, Ankara/TÜRKİYE

Keywords: Bonn, Chancellor Adenauer, Economy, Munich, Loan, Prime Minister Menderes, West Germany.


The long-standing relations between Türkiye and Germany were interrupted towards the end of the Second World War. Since it was decided that the countries declaring war against Germany in Yalta Conference (4-11 February 1945) would participate in the establishment meetings of the United Nations as founding members, Türkiye, albeit on paper, drew a sword against Germany on February 23, 1945. Hence, all the diplomatic and commercial relations between Türkiye and Germany were officially cut off. The broken relations between the two countries started to be re-established swiftly with the foundation of the Federal Germany in 1949. Thus, Türkiye opened a diplomatic mission in Bonn, the capital of the Federal Germany, in 1950 and transformed it into an embassy a year later. The restricted diplomatic and commercial contacts between the two countries started to improve significantly with the accession of the Democrat Party to power in the same year. Especially with the visit of Federal Germany Founding Chancellor Konrad Adenauer to Türkiye at the beginning of 1954, these relations went one step further. After seven months following this visit and an official invitation convoked by German authorities, P.M. Adnan Menderes paid an official visit to Germany together with a bevy of delegation including many experts, managers of various institutions and banks, and journalists. The delegation that went to Germany with great expectations for the diplomatic contacts as well as developing the commercial relations further was welcomed with cheers and amazing meta-protocol ceremonies all over the country. During the negotiations pursued between the two countries, Germany replied in the affirmative to the loan request of Türkiye and both parties decided on the conduction of the negotiations so as to improve the commercial relations. Eventually, P.M. Menderes and accompanying delegation returned to Türkiye accomplishing good results from the negotiations in Germany.