ISSN: 1011-727X
e-ISSN: 2667-5420


Bitlis Eren Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Tarih Bölümü, Bitlis/TÜRKİYE

Keywords: Foreign Policy, Jordon, Syria, Treaty of Friendship, Türkiye.


In order to improve relations between Türkiye and Jordan, King Abdallah came to Türkiye in 1947 and visited Ankara and Istanbul. During the visit, the treaty of friendship was signed between the two countries in Ankara. In order to eliminate the negative thoughts of Syria about this agreement, it was stated by both King Abdallah and İsmet İnönü that the treaty was not related to the formation of Greater Syria, and it was mentioned that the purpose of the agreement was to ensure peace in the region by emphasizing the United Nations (UN).However, after the treaty, the Arab nationalists in Syria started to use a negative tone against to Türkiye in foreign policy through the treaty, with the issue covered in the press. At the same time, this treaty between Türkiye-Jordan in 1947 and King Abdallah's comments on the treaty increased the harsh attitude of Arab nationalists, especially opposite the Turkish minorities in the country. The fact that the investor Armenians, who did not want to be in such a turbulent environment, preferred to go to Türkiye, which is more democratic instead of Soviet Russia, greatly disturbed Syria, whose economy had shrunk. For this reason, Syria banned foreigners from entry to Lazkiye (especially in Bayır, Bucak and Hazine), Fırat and Cezire, in order to prevent this trouble from being reflected to outside. After the treaty of friendship, by the end of 1947, Armenian and Kurdish groups were started to be used as a militia force for the first time in north of Syria with the financial support of Soviet Russia. For this reason, this study has made a significant contribution to the literature in terms of determining when and how the basic of the crisis on the Türkiye-Syria border was laid.

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