ISSN: 1011-727X
e-ISSN: 2667-5420

Selma Yel

Keywords: World War One, Ottoman Empire, Russia, Brest-Litowsk Peace Conference, Greater Armenia


The 1917 Bolshevik Revolution has affected the way World War One was processing and the negatıve situation of Turkey in the Eastern Front. With the signing of the Brest-Litovsk Treaty betvveen Germany, Russia, Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire, the first treaty of World War One was undersigned. Hovvever, it was not easy to reach thİs result; the discussions ended in a negative fashion on February 1918, and it was possible to sign the treaty on March 3, 1918. Dııring this process, the Russian delegation continued to make Bolshevik propaganda on one hand, continued to arm the Armenians on the other hand, and provoked persecution towards the Turkish-Muslim population of Eastern Anatolia and Caucasia. Their aims were not to leave the Elviye-i Selase to Turkey and to cstablish the Greater Armenia. However, they could not reach their aims due to the necessary political and military initiatives of Turkey.