Ali Güler
Keywords: Military Academy, House of Abidinpaşa, National Struggle
The Military Academy was established in order to supply the demand for officers in the Turkish army. Due to various reasons, education and trainİng were conducted in different buildİngs and locations from time to time. The Military Academy, like some other institutions, moved from İstanbul to Ankara during the period of National Struggle. Education and training started with the cadets who were able to get together in the House of Abidinpaşa. After the State of Turkish Republic had been founded, the Military Academy moved back to its original building in Pangaltı, İstanbul and continued its education and training activities there until 1936. In this research, the training field of Abidinpaşa, about whiçh little is. known, and the activities there are comprehensively brought to light through the photographs which are issued for the first time.