ISSN: 1011-727X
e-ISSN: 2667-5420

Hüseyin Tosun

Keywords: Atatürk, Balkans, Macedonian, Manastır, The Balkan Wars, Migration


The International Atatürk Congress is organized every four years by the Atatürk Research Center, which is one of the four organizations of the Atatürk Supreme Council of Culture, Language and History with the objective of researching all aspects of the life of the great leader Atatürk who has set an example to one and all with his ability and qualities as a leader and who has played the leading role in founding the Republic of Turkey and guiding Turkey's progress to her present state through his principles and reforms, as well as studying what He described as to be "My greatest accomplishment," the Republic of Turkey. The Congress will try to fully and accurately clarify the subject, to scientifically explain the possible import of events which transpired during the foundation and the formative years of the Republic in shaping the future, as well as their effects today. Furthermore every information, document, comment and synthesis will -at the end of the Congress- be presented to the Turkish and World public. In this framework, the 7thInternational Atatürk Congress will be held in October 2011 in Macedonia (Skopje and Manastır), with the collaboration of our Center and the Macedonian Academy of Sciences. Kongress lasted four days is comple mented with thorty foursessionan dpresented 187 papers wherearranged in five apart auditoriums.