ISSN: 1011-727X
e-ISSN: 2667-5420


İstanbul Erkek Lisesi, İstanbul/TÜRKİYE

Keywords: Ankara Government, Istanbul Government, Mustafa Kemal Pasha, National Struggle, Ottoman Empire, Spanish Newspapers.


XIX. and XX. centuries were quite difficult for both the Ottoman Empire and the Spanish Kingdom. Unlike the Ottoman Empire, Spain did not enter the First World War. The loss of the First World War brought the actual end of the Ottoman Empire. Many resistance organizations were established and congresses were held in different parts of Anatolia in the face of the occupations that started after the Mondros Armistice Agreement. Finally, during this period, Mustafa Kemal Pasha went to Anatolia, the Turkish Grand National Assembly was established and a great fight was fought against the enemy. This study attempts to examine how the developments in the National Struggle process were reflected in Spanish newspapers. For this purpose, newspapers published in Spain in the period between 1918 and 1923 were examined. Since Spain did not participate in the First World War, Spanish newspapers also had a chance to examine the events in a neutral way. In this respect, Spanish newspapers provide an opportunity for an impartial evaluation of the National Struggle. In addition, how the National Struggle was presented to the Spanish public opinion and how the Spanish public opinion perceived this Struggle can be seen in these newspapers. The relations between the Allied States and the Ottoman Empire, the National Struggle movement that started in Anatolia, the relations between the Ankara Government and the Istanbul Government, the relations between the Ankara Government and the Allied States, the occupation of Istanbul and the Turkish-Greek Struggle are the main issues studied in this study.

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