Basic Values, which will form the Republic of Turkey
Mustafa Gül
Keywords: Republic of Turkey, Principles and values, Ataturk
Turkish revolution is a resurrection and innovation movement. It is a radical and social change that takes the Turkish nation to modernity, modernity and Scientific values. The structure of our society today is the result of this magnificent revolutionary movement. Our revolution has created new generations. Young generations should know under what conditions the reform was formed. Turkish intellectual, who knows how the revolution and his intellectual system, Atatürkism, can easily find solutions to many future issues. This is extremely important for consolidating our revolution. In the emergence of this work created by Atatürk, the place and importance of the basic thoughts on which the work rises is very important. These are the elements that bring spirit and personality to the work. Such a unique work undoubtedly has a unique logic, a thought base, a system. If it wasn't already, that biggest Turk could neither succeed in the deep-rooted revolution he attempted nor leave deep traces in the lives of the oppressed nations.