The Ankara Journey of Meclis-i Meb’usan-ı Osmani Chief Celâleddin Arif, Who Asylum Seeking Sine-i Nation
Enver Konukçu
Keywords: Sine-i Nation, Meclis-i Meb’usan, Celâleddin Arif
As it is known, the delegation formed at the end of Erzurum Congress and took its new shape after Sivas Congress. After completing the congress, and meeting with the representative of Istanbul, Salih Pasha in Amasya, M. Kemal came to Ankara on 27 December 1919. In the agreement reached with Salih Pasha, it was decided to hold the elections and convene a place where it would be appropriate. For this reason, elections were held within the principles determined in the provincial and subordinate livas. M. Kemal, who was drawn to the sine nation in the days of Erzurum Congress, became the city's citizen with a decision taken by the central branch of the Vilâyat-ı Şarkiye Müdâfaa-ı Hukûk-ı Millîye Cemliği. Due to the nationwide elections, the people of Erzurum chose their citizens, M. Kemal, as in the Congress. Thus, he was entitled to enter the parliament from Erzurum.