ISSN: 1011-727X
e-ISSN: 2667-5420

Tülay A. Baran

Keywords: İzmir Foyers Turcks, The Journal of Tovvards İzmir, Private Western Preparatory School, The Unity in Education, Moskov Ambassador


Vasıf Çınar is the most eminent person during the period of the National Struggle and the Republican period. Çınar borned in 1896, he was mentioned especially in the education scope. He graduated from İzmir Preparatory School and in 1915 he began to teach wİth Mustafa Necati. He had a duty in İzmir Private Eastern Preparatory School. His most important service for his life in the National Struggle's years was the journal of "Tovvard İzmir". He expressed his reaction to the western powers, İstanbul government and Entente povvers with this journal. By the end of broadcasting of the journal, he was elected as a deputy of Saruhan. He was so actîve İn the demoîishing of Sultanate and the proclamation of republic and the abolition of caliphate. And also, he had an duty on the preparation of Tevhid-i Tedrisat (unity in education) and he was a minister at that time. He had stated the general aims of education and teaching with the learning circular in 8 september 1924. After the education period his ambassador period began. He was ambassador of Prague, Budapest and Moskov. On the occasion of the death of Mustafa Necati, he had arrİved to the country and he began to the Mİnister of Education. Then, he promoted to the Roma Ambassador and thus he began to Moskov ambassador for the second time. When he was in Moskov, he had died in 2 June 1935.