French Press Release Period Kemalists in Turkey to Tapan An Overview (1919-1938)
Niyazi Öktem
Keywords: Kemalist Period, 1919-1938, French Press
When we consider the whole history of the Ottoman Empire and Turkey's press, alongside Turkey and minorities' newspapers, in the presence of a French press since the very beginning we observe. This press continued its importance until the end of the Second World War. In the period before 1914, about 200 periodicals (periodique) can be counted. 4/5 of these were magazines and newspapers completely written in French. The rest was among the periodicals published in many languages. Between the two world wars, there were more than a hundred periodic, which meant the French press. In total, XVIII. 350 French newspapers and magazines were published from the end of the century until 1971 when the last French daily newspaper closed its publication life.