ISSN: 1011-727X
e-ISSN: 2667-5420

Mustafa Şahin

Keywords: Turkish Revolution, Mustafa Kemal, Traditional Learning, Active Learnİng, Lecture


In this study, Pierre Bovet's Aegean conferences and thoughts concerning the Turkısh education have been discussed. In the Republic period, many official or non-official experts have visited Turkey regarding the education. One of these is Pierre Bovet who was the Manager of the Geneva Jean Jacques Institute, Bovet, who arrived in İzmir in April 1, 1930, has made inspections in schools of İzmir, Aydın and Denizli, he had interviews with the teachers and had given lectures. Upon the conference he has given in the İstanbul University, he had left Turkey on the 15th of April. Bovet, in the conferences he had given, has dealt with the traditional and contemporary education understanding, the ways of enhancing the productivity in education, what type of a teacher should be generated, the importance of the relationship betvveen school, teacher and student, the role of education in creating citizenship, the association between the investments made to the individual and country, the significance of the communication between the school and family, the benefits of examining the child in preparation of the tomorrow's society, how the individual differences should be observed and how the Solutions should be generated, the ethical education, at what must the objective of life be oriented at, what are the tasks which should be undertaken by the families and teachers in education. Bovet's conferences were followed up with great interest and his conferences found a significant place in press.