A Sattistical of View Judgements of Excile Armenians in Martial Court (1919-1921
Feridun Ata
Keywords: Martial Court, Judgements, Court, Armenian, Excile
After signing the Arministice of Mondros (30 October 1918) occupation of İstanbul the facto Allies requested the punishment members of Unuion and Progress who had send the Armenian to be tried. Occupied Otoman Empire, as a result of domestic and foreign pres, founded the martial court in İstanbul 16 December 1918. First judgements at this court started with the Yozgat deportation on 6 February 1919 in İstanbul. After that, martial court had gone on with the cases the names of which were given below. At the end of judgements, various punishments, including capital punishment had been given. In this study, don't deal with the judgements process, the judge court's working way, the organization of the court and its members, but we intent to give sattistical data about the judgements. In other words, punishment, the names of the judget people and the numerical results of these cases have been studied.