An Ottoman and Republican Politician Bureaucrat: Mehmet Sabri Toprak (1878-1938)
Seyfi Yıldırım
Keywords: Mehmet Sabri (Toprak), Postal and Telegraph, Fenerbahce, The National Struggle, Teceddut Party
Mehmet Sabri Toprak, a graduate of postal and telegraph division of Darussafaka, was one of the Balkanite originated students at Darussafaka. Toprak undertook some duties with various ranks at Postal Service in accordance with his graduation and carried on the duty of Postal and Telegraph during the National Struggle. He has been at the parliament as a member of Union and Progress Party and was a board member of Fenerbahce. He had the chance to observe some innovations on postal and telegraph service by visiting Europe in different times. His reformist side could be easily seen in respect of the renovations which were transferred from Europe and Soviet Russia to Turkey in his ministry of agriculture period. Mehmet Sabri Toprak was also a cordial friend of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and a member of parliament until 1938.