ISSN: 1011-727X
e-ISSN: 2667-5420

The Conversations, Declarations and İnterviews of Marshal Fevzi Çakmak Belonging to the Turkish National Warfare, the War of Indepence and Atatürk

Derya Genç Acar

Issue: November 2006, Volume XXII - Issue 64-65-66 Pages: 293-328
13295 4933

The Republic in the Yeni Gün

Nurettin Gülmez

Issue: July 2005, Volume XXI - Issue 62 Pages: 613-666
556 1342

The Sivas Congress of Bibliography Study

Fatih M. Dervişoğlu

Issue: July 2005, Volume XXI - Issue 62 Pages: 493-520
708 1125

Situation and Practice of Exemption in Tax of War Earnings

Emir Bostancı

Issue: May 2019, Volume XXXV - Issue 99 Pages: 31-50 DOI: 10.33419/aamd.557963
838 609

Atatürk Forest Farm in the Press (1925-1938)

Mustafa Kılınç

Issue: November 2019, Volume XXXV - Issue 100 Pages: 555-584 DOI: 10.33419/aamd.642446
4749 1096


Ali Dikici

Issue: November 2009, Volume XXV - Issue 75 Pages: 523-574
3996 2593

Analysis Of First İnönü War According to the War Reports

Hüsnü Özlü

Issue: March 2012, Volume XXVIII - Issue 82 Pages: 25-52
11249 1297

Yusuf Akçura’s Activities in National Struggle

Gürhan Kat

Issue: November 2010, Volume XXVI - Issue 78 Pages: 589-614
1568 687

The Books Whıch Belonged To Mustafa Kemal Atatürk That Carrıedınto Afet İnan

Hakan Anameriç

Issue: November 2005, Volume XXI - Issue 63 Pages: 1115-1140
0 4214

Bırth Certificate Of Turkish Republic: Amasya Cırcular

Serap Taşdemir

Issue: November 2005, Volume XXI - Issue 63 Pages: 1071-1089
0 3808

Mustafa Kemal Paşa Has Been Lead of War Independence

. Hamza Eroğlu

Issue: November 2005, Volume XXI - Issue 63 Pages: 841-858
21650 1100

The Sovereİgnty and The Control of the Financial Resources in the Sumnıer of 1920

M. Derviş Kılınçkaya

Issue: March 2005, Volume XXI - Issue 61 Pages: 305-321
0 561

Hüseyin Rauf Orbay (1880-1964)

Mustafa Alkan

Issue: July 2004, Volume XX - Issue 59 Pages: 597-642 DOI: 10.33419/aamd.702817
0 2497

French Mandate Administration in Sancak and Turkey

Adil Dağıstan, Adnan Sofuoğlu

Issue: November 2004, Volume XX - Issue 60 Pages: 687-704 DOI: 10.33419/aamd.702650
0 786

Cilicia Durıng Turkısh in Dependence War Years “An Approaca On Social And Economic Aspects”

İbrahim İslam

Issue: March 2004, Volume XX - Issue 58 Pages: 47-64
0 984

A Study on Educatıon, Health and Socıal States at Ankara Whenıt Was Became Capıtal Cıty

Zübeyir Kars

Issue: March 2004, Volume XX - Issue 58 Pages: 105-128
0 639

A foreign journalist's journey to Ankara and meeting with Atatürk during the Founding Years of Turkey (translation)

Ergun Özbudun

Issue: November 1984, Volume I - Issue 1 Pages: 167-191
0 1005

National struggle in Anatolia women's defense-i Homeland Society

Bekir Sıtkı Baykal

Issue: November 1984, Volume I - Issue 1 Pages: 108-126
0 948

Atatürk - Union and progress

Fethi Tevetoğlu

Issue: July 1989, Volume V - Issue 15 Pages: 613-624
0 1246

Attitudes and behavior of minorities in Denizli, Isparta, Burdur and surrounding areas in the national struggle

Nuri Köstüklü

Issue: July 1989, Volume V - Issue 15 Pages: 665-690
0 1169