ISSN: 1011-727X
e-ISSN: 2667-5420

Turkısh-Bulgarıan Relatıons Between 1945-1990 And The Bulgarıan Immıgrants Settled In Muğla Provıns Durıng Thıs Perıod

Bayram Akça

Issue: March 2008, Volume XXIV - Issue 70 Pages: 75-92
1258 918

Selim Sırrı Tarcan And Robust Turkish Child

Makbule Sarıkaya

Issue: March 2008, Volume XXIV - Issue 70 Pages: 113-126
719 734

The Comments Of The Press About Developments In The Early Years Of The Republic

Sezen Kılıç

Issue: March 2008, Volume XXIV - Issue 70 Pages: 149-194
4825 656

The Speech of Mustafa Kemal Pasha in the Grand National Assembly of Turkey During the Fourth Extension of Supreme Commander Act

Gülseren Akalın

Issue: November 2006, Volume XXII - Issue 64-65-66 Pages: 209-214
1429 598

The Independent State of Hatay's Founding in Light of Documents

Adil Dağıstan, Adnan Sofuoğlu

Issue: July 2005, Volume XXI - Issue 62 Pages: 423-452
805 647

The Republic in the Yeni Gün

Nurettin Gülmez

Issue: July 2005, Volume XXI - Issue 62 Pages: 613-666
557 1344

Turkey Teachers Union: Its Organizational Structure and Activities (1921-1936)

Yunus Pustu

Issue: May 2019, Volume XXXV - Issue 99 Pages: 51-94 DOI: 10.33419/aamd.557989
1510 746

The Role of Haci Bedir Aga in National Struggle and the Activities in the Grand National Assembly of Turkey

Mehmet Gündüz

Issue: November 2019, Volume XXXV - Issue 100 Pages: 415-448 DOI: 10.33419/aamd.642373
8922 2033

Karakol Association-Mustafa Kemal Pasha Rivalry in the Kocaeli Peninsula and the Yahya Kaptan Event I

Murat Aydoğdu

Issue: November 2009, Volume XXV - Issue 75 Pages: 605-634
1245 1237


Osman Akandere

Issue: November 2009, Volume XXV - Issue 75 Pages: 437-464
4993 705

Turkish Police Organization in the First Period of Turkish Republic (1923-1938)

Ali Dikici

Issue: November 2008, Volume XXIV - Issue 72 Pages: 719-756
3372 1583

Yusuf Akçura’s Activities in National Struggle

Gürhan Kat

Issue: November 2010, Volume XXVI - Issue 78 Pages: 589-614
1570 688

Bırth Certificate Of Turkish Republic: Amasya Cırcular

Serap Taşdemir

Issue: November 2005, Volume XXI - Issue 63 Pages: 1071-1089
0 3811

The Establıshment and Actıvıty of Odemısh People Houseın Modernızatıon Process

Günver Güneş

Issue: November 2005, Volume XXI - Issue 63 Pages: 968-987
0 1022

A Life Hurled FROM Ottoman to the Republic: Mehmet Faik Asal (1889-1958)

Ercan Haytoğlu

Issue: November 2005, Volume XXI - Issue 63 Pages: 997-1018
0 659

Foreign Schools in Republican Period (1923-1938)

Sezen Kılç

Issue: March 2005, Volume XXI - Issue 61 Pages: 259-280
0 735

The Polemics of Ali Fethi (Okyar) and. Mahmut Esat (Bozkurt) During the Foundation of the Free Republican Parly

Şaduman Halıcı

Issue: July 2004, Volume XX - Issue 59 Pages: 429-451 DOI: 10.33419/aamd.702947
0 3970

Transition Period of National State and Unitary Structure of Turkish Republic

Aygün Attar

Issue: November 2004, Volume XX - Issue 60 Pages: 643-658 DOI: 10.33419/aamd.702723
0 774

The Efects First Report Prepared By International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (ıbrd) (1951) in Policies of Democrat Party Governments

Mustafa Albayrak

Issue: March 2004, Volume XX - Issue 58 Pages: 129-168
0 1057

Inspecting of the Cavalry Corps by Mustafa Kemal Pasha Before the Great Attack (Büyük Taarruz) and the Cavalry Corps in Ilgın Manaeuvre

Zekeriya Türkmen

Issue: March 2004, Volume XX - Issue 58 Pages: 203-230
0 2163