ISSN: 1011-727X
e-ISSN: 2667-5420

Echoes Of The Sıgnature And Ratıfıcatıon Of Treaty Of Lausanne In The Tanın

Seydi Vakkas Toprak

Issue: May 2016, Volume XXXII - Issue 93 Pages: 1-46
35608 1799

The Activities Against Ottoman Empire and the Organization of Turks in Switzerland (1918-1922)

Cengiz Mutlu

Issue: July 2012, Volume XXVIII - Issue 83 Pages: 65-86
3478 2308

The Mosulissue and Laussanne

Sezen Kılıç

Issue: July 2008, Volume XXIV - Issue 71 Pages: 319-340
27246 2040

Turkısh-Bulgarıan Relatıons Between 1945-1990 And The Bulgarıan Immıgrants Settled In Muğla Provıns Durıng Thıs Perıod

Bayram Akça

Issue: March 2008, Volume XXIV - Issue 70 Pages: 75-92
2026 1278

The Lausanne Peace Treaty and Turkish Public Opinion

Tahir Kodal

Issue: November 2006, Volume XXII - Issue 64-65-66 Pages: 215-244
4405 1347

Lozan'da Ermeni Meselesi Tartışmaları

Durdu Mehmet Burak

Issue: July 2005, Volume XXI - Issue 62 Pages: 545-568
1605 1536

Situation and Practice of Exemption in Tax of War Earnings

Emir Bostancı

Issue: May 2019, Volume XXXV - Issue 99 Pages: 31-50 DOI: 10.33419/aamd.557963
1219 894

From Battleship to Diplomacy: The Dıfficulties that Turkish Committee of Delegation Faced at the Lausanne Conference

Resul Babaoğlu

Issue: May 2019, Volume XXXV - Issue 99 Pages: 95-140 DOI: 10.33419/aamd.558002
58790 1529

A foreign journalist's journey to Ankara and meeting with Atatürk during the Founding Years of Turkey (translation)

Ergun Özbudun

Issue: November 1984, Volume I - Issue 1 Pages: 167-191
0 1577

Atatürk, Millî Birlik ve Beraberlik

Yücel Atila

Issue: March 2000, Volume XVI - Issue 46 Pages: 117-132
0 1169

An Honoured History: Lausanne

Hamza Eroğlu

Issue: July 1985, Volume I - Issue 3 Pages: 805-812
0 709

National Unity Under The Light of Atatürkist Ideology

Muzaffer Erendil

Issue: November 1985, Volume II - Issue 4 Pages: 121-162
0 1138

The Relations Between the Turkish Delegation and the Parliament during the Lausanne Talks

Temuçin Faik Ertan

Issue: July 1990, Volume VI - Issue 18 Pages: 615-626
0 990

British Press in the National Struggle II 1920-1923 / From Sevres to Lausanne

Ergün Aybars

Issue: November 1990, Volume VII - Issue 19 Pages: 45-74
0 966

Özdemir Bey’in Musul Harekâtı ve İngilizlerin Karşı Tedbirleri (1921-1923)

Zekeriya Türkmen

Issue: March 2001, Volume XVII - Issue 49 Pages: 49-79
0 1491

Atatürk and National Unity

Reşat Kaynar

Issue: November 1986, Volume III - Issue 7 Pages: 1-4
0 672

National Congress and Activities

Niyazi Ahmet Banoğlu

Issue: November 1986, Volume III - Issue 7 Pages: 197-212
0 2442

National Unity and Togetherness

Hamza Eroğlu

Issue: November 1986, Volume III - Issue 7 Pages: 85-100
0 24343

Atatürk and National Unity

Bekir Tünay

Issue: March 1987, Volume III - Issue 8 Pages: 409-420
0 1091

The Place Of National Unity In The Kemalist Thought System

Ahmet Mumcu

Issue: March 1987, Volume III - Issue 8 Pages: 371-378
0 1193