November 2011, Volume XXVII - Issue 81
Research Article
Populatıon In Beysehır Dıstrıct From Tanzımat To Republıc
Barış Taş, İlker Yiğit
Pages: 489-532
1253 822
A Report Prepared By Cyprus Consulate Of Turkiye About The Cyprıot Turks Before Tmt And Some Thoughts On It
Nuri Köstüklü
Pages: 533-544
639 774
The Bombardment of Trabzon by the Russian Navy and Effects of the Bombardment on Trabzon (1914-1916)
Mehmet Akif Bal
Pages: 545-576
7955 1479
Ali Fethi (Okyar) Bey’s Activities as the Ottoman Embassy in Bulgaria (October 1913 - December 1917)
Fatih Mehmet Sancaktar
Pages: 577-602
2074 888
Milli Mücadele Yıllarında Türk Bahriyesinin Durumu ve Faaliyetleri
Umut C. Karadoğan
Pages: 603-650
5099 1428
A Good Model of Health Camppractice in Thrace During the Republic Period: “Azat Obaları
Murat Burgaç
Pages: 651-672
834 938
Conference Paper
7 th International Ataturk Congress (17-22 Octobe 2011 Macedonia)
Hüseyin Tosun
Pages: 673-770
1338 1231