ISSN: 1011-727X
e-ISSN: 2667-5420

Letter Revolution and Atatürk

İsmet Giritli

Issue: November 1988, Volume V - Issue 13 Pages: 31-36
0 796

The Story of the Great Victory from the Press to the Day

Niyazi Ahmet Banoğlu

Issue: November 1988, Volume V - Issue 13 Pages: 37-90
0 613

Atatürk and Woman

Emel Doğramacı

Issue: November 1988, Volume V - Issue 13 Pages: 91-106
0 1093

External Effects of the Opening of the Turkish Grand National Assembly According to the Official Archives of the French Archives

Ünsal Yavuz

Issue: November 1988, Volume V - Issue 13 Pages: 195-222
0 589

Atatürk and Women's Education

Aynur Gedil

Issue: November 1988, Volume V - Issue 13 Pages: 259-265
0 505

How should the Nutuk be examined, how should it be introduced and taught?

Cihat Akçakayalıoğlu

Issue: November 1988, Volume V - Issue 13 Pages: 245-258
0 2401

Intellectuals' Escape From Istanbul To Ankara On The Occupation Of İstanbul

Yücel Özkaya

Issue: November 1988, Volume V - Issue 13 Pages: 127-144
0 653

From Atatürk's Life; Falkenhayn - Mustafa Kemal Dispute

Fahri Çeliker

Issue: November 1988, Volume V - Issue 13 Pages: 167-182
0 1706

Newspaper Published by Atatürk and Okyar: Minber

Fethi Tevetoğlu

Issue: November 1988, Volume V - Issue 13 Pages: 183-194
0 8687

Atatürk’s Revolutions and Modemization

Utkan Kocatürk

Issue: November 1988, Volume V - Issue 13 Pages: 107-126
0 950

Basic Characteristics of the Republic of Turkey by Atatürk Setup

Sıtkı Aydınel

Issue: November 1993, Volume IX - Issue 27 Pages: 523-548
0 824

Realistic Ataturk

Cemal Enginsoy

Issue: November 1993, Volume IX - Issue 27 Pages: 513-522
0 668

Turkish-Greek Population Exchange According to the Lausanne Peace Treaty and Discussing the Issue in the Turkish Republic

H. Cevahir Kayam

Issue: November 1993, Volume IX - Issue 27 Pages: 581-608
0 2415

Ankara in the National Struggle Years

Fuat Bayramoğlu

Issue: November 1993, Volume IX - Issue 27 Pages: 485-492
0 1577

The Universality of the Turkish Revolution

M. Vehbi Tanfer

Issue: July 1995, Volume XI - Issue 32 Pages: 493-499
0 741

Third International Atatürk Symposium Final Statement

Reşat Genç

Issue: July 1995, Volume XI - Issue 32 Pages: 337-339
0 363

Intellectual Foundations of the 1926 Legal Revolution

Ömer Turan

Issue: July 1995, Volume XI - Issue 32 Pages: 477-492
0 742

The story of a night spent in the presence of Atatürk, Atatürk's thoughts on Turkish youth and the biography of Sabiha Gökçen, the world's first female pilot

Burhan Göksel

Issue: July 1995, Volume XI - Issue 32 Pages: 343-377
0 988

National Unity and Union Meetings in the Southeastern Anatolia Region During the National Struggle

Mehmet Şahingöz

Issue: July 1995, Volume XI - Issue 32 Pages: 417-432
0 536

Prime Ministry Atatürk Culture, Language and History Higher Institution Results of "Third International Ataturk Symposium" Held in Ataturk Research Center in Cyprus

Azmi Süslü

Issue: July 1995, Volume XI - Issue 32 Pages: 335-336
0 356