ISSN: 1011-727X
e-ISSN: 2667-5420

Milli Mücadele Lehine Kamuoyu Oluşumunda Din Adamları

Ömer Turan

Issue: November 1999, Volume XV - Issue 45 Pages: 821-834
0 1726

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’ün Soyu

Ali Güler

Issue: November 1999, Volume XV - Issue 45 Pages: 969-1009
0 3251

Atatürk, the Leader of Nationalization and Modernization

Ergün Aybars

Issue: July 1985, Volume I - Issue 3 Pages: 863-870
0 750

Atatürk In The Western Publishing World

Cemal Enginsoy

Issue: July 1985, Volume I - Issue 3 Pages: 831-846
0 939

Dynamic Ideal Of State In Kemalism

Necdet Öztorun

Issue: July 1985, Volume I - Issue 3 Pages: 625-652
0 676

The Press at the beginning of the national struggle and Mustafa Kemal Pasha's relations with the press

Yücel Özkaya

Issue: July 1985, Volume I - Issue 3 Pages: 871-912
0 1873

Atatürk's views on education and Misak-ı Maarif

Burhan Göksel

Issue: July 1985, Volume I - Issue 3 Pages: 921-958
0 3281

Proclamation of the Republic and Izmir Press

Zeki Arıkan

Issue: July 1985, Volume I - Issue 3 Pages: 959-976
0 1244

On Kemalist Education

Ziya Bursalıoğlu

Issue: July 1985, Volume I - Issue 3 Pages: 799-804
0 827

Atatürk and Education

İhsan Doğramacı

Issue: July 1985, Volume I - Issue 3 Pages: 653-670
0 607

Sovereignty of the nation as one of the basic principles of the Turkish national struggle and Kemalism

Turhan Feyzioğlu

Issue: July 1985, Volume I - Issue 3 Pages: 741-792
0 1288

Atatürk Nationalism

Gürbüz D. Tüfekçi

Issue: July 1985, Volume I - Issue 3 Pages: 913-920
0 993

Anatolian Women Defense-i Vatan Society

Bekir Sıtkı Baykal

Issue: July 1985, Volume I - Issue 3 Pages: 671-710
0 680

Misak-ı Milli and our Constitution

Ahmet Mumcu

Issue: July 1985, Volume I - Issue 3 Pages: 813-830
0 2151

Atatürk's Superior Personality

Bekir Tünay

Issue: July 1985, Volume I - Issue 3 Pages: 847-862
0 2374

An Honoured History: Lausanne

Hamza Eroğlu

Issue: July 1985, Volume I - Issue 3 Pages: 805-812
0 462

National Unity Under The Light of Atatürkist Ideology

Muzaffer Erendil

Issue: November 1985, Volume II - Issue 4 Pages: 121-162
0 853

National Sovereignty and Its Representation

Kemal Dal

Issue: November 1985, Volume II - Issue 4 Pages: 97-110
0 688

Universality Of Kemalism

Suat İlhan

Issue: November 1985, Volume II - Issue 4 Pages: 13-20
0 652

The Principle of Laicism In Atatürk’s Democracy

İsmet Giritli

Issue: November 1985, Volume II - Issue 4 Pages: 55-64
0 820