March 1995, Volume XI - Issue 31
Research Article
Hacim Muhittin Çarıklı’nın "Kuvay-ı Milliye Hatıralarına Göre Kurtuluş Savaşı'nda Gönen ve Çevresi (1919-1920)
Ercüment Kuran
Pages: 43-48
0 1322
A Statement by the Kyrgyz-Kazakh Students to the Ottoman Government During the Bolshevik Revolution
Mustafa Gül
Pages: 49-54
0 623
Echoes of the Battle of Sakarya (Melhâmc-İ Kübrâ - Great Blood Pressure or Great Battlefield)
Sadri Karakoyunlu
Pages: 89-105
0 7629
Darülfünûn’s War of Independence and Is Perspective on Revolutions
Abdurrahman Siler
Pages: 177-186
0 975
British Policy Against Turkish, French-Italian Convergence in the First Half of 1921 and the Mustafa Sagir Incident
Esat Arslan
Pages: 187-222
0 1486
Comparative Promotion of Tekâlif-i Harbiye and Tekâlif-i Milliye Taxes
Cemal Avcı
Pages: 223-238
0 2415