July 1995, Volume XI - Issue 32
President of Atatürk Research Center Dr. Opening Speech of Azmi Süslü's Symposium
Azmi Süslü
Pages: 311-312
0 558
President of Atatürk Culture, Language and History Higher Institution. Dr. Reşat Genç's Opening Speech at the Symposium
Reşat Genç
Pages: 313-318
0 590
Eastern Mediterranean University Rector. Dr. Özay Oral's Symposium Opening Speech
Özay Oral
Pages: 321-323
0 501
Message from the Minister of State, Ayvaz Gökdemir to the Symposium (Read by Acar Okan, Prime Minister of the Prime Ministry)
Ayvaz Gökdemir
Pages: 325-327
0 587
Deputy prime minister of Kyrgyzstan Dr. The opening speech of Osman Okun İbrahimov's symposium.
Osmanokun İbrahimov
Pages: 329-330
0 579
President of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus Rauf Raif Denktaş III. Opening Speech of the International Atatürk Symposium
Rauf Raif Denktaş
Pages: 331-334
0 620
Conference Paper
Research Article
The story of a night spent in the presence of Atatürk, Atatürk's thoughts on Turkish youth and the biography of Sabiha Gökçen, the world's first female pilot
Burhan Göksel
Pages: 343-377
0 1225
The Place of Hatay's Annex to the Motherland in Turkish Foreign Policy
Ergünöz Akçora
Pages: 379-405
0 899
National Unity and Union Meetings in the Southeastern Anatolia Region During the National Struggle
Mehmet Şahingöz
Pages: 417-432
0 773
Lausanne Treaty with the Mudanya Armistice Ankara Government's Control of British Occupation Units and "Gateway Organization"
Hamit Pehlivanlı
Pages: 441-475
0 763
Determination of Mustafa Kemal (Atatürk) in Yemen and Related Documents
Zekeriya Türkmen
Pages: 501-524
0 747