ISSN: 1011-727X
e-ISSN: 2667-5420

Turkish-English Mustafa Kemal and Kemalism in terms of Third World nations)

S.a.h. Haqqı

Issue: March 1985, Volume I - Issue 2 Pages: 341-348
0 607

Atatürk As The Leader Of National Liberation

Cemal Enginsoy

Issue: March 1985, Volume I - Issue 2 Pages: 527-542
0 692

How Did Mustafa Kemal Keep The Great Attack Day Hidden From The World?

Sadi Borak

Issue: March 1990, Volume VI - Issue 17 Pages: 381-390
0 1028

Ali Rıza Paşa Hükümeti Kuva-yı Milliye İlişkileri

Zekeriya Türkmen

Issue: March 2000, Volume XVI - Issue 46 Pages: 37-87
0 807

Dönemin Türk Basınında Anzavur Olayı

Vahdet Keleşyılmaz

Issue: November 1999, Volume XV - Issue 45 Pages: 861-899
0 698

Milli Mücadele Dönemi Türkiye-İslam Ülkeleri Münasebetleri

Metin Hülagü

Issue: November 1999, Volume XV - Issue 45 Pages: 901-938
0 1077

Çanakkale Krizi ve Lloyd George’un İktidardan Düşmesi: Eylül-Ekim 1922

Mustafa Çulfalı

Issue: November 1999, Volume XV - Issue 45 Pages: 801-820
0 1879

The Press at the beginning of the national struggle and Mustafa Kemal Pasha's relations with the press

Yücel Özkaya

Issue: July 1985, Volume I - Issue 3 Pages: 871-912
0 2002

İsmet İnönü and The Repergussions of The first and Second Battles of İnönü at Home and Abroad

Hamza Eroğlu

Issue: November 1985, Volume II - Issue 4 Pages: 65-84
0 1002

Pages from Atatürk's Biography II

Yücel Özkaya

Issue: July 1990, Volume VI - Issue 18 Pages: 507-538
0 1129

Atatürk and Hatay

Bekir Tünay

Issue: March 1986, Volume II - Issue 5 Pages: 449-462
0 693

An Unknown Speech Of Atatürk

İhsan Güneş

Issue: March 1986, Volume II - Issue 5 Pages: 463-466
0 3316

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk's command of the Caucasian front in Diyarbakir

Şevket Beysanoğlu

Issue: March 1986, Volume II - Issue 5 Pages: 487-504
0 2359

Ataturk By British Sources

Cemal Enginsoy

Issue: November 1990, Volume VII - Issue 19 Pages: 75-92
0 4935

Considerations of the Work and Personality of the Yugoslavian Press Due to the Death of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (1938-1988)

Mustafa Karahasan

Issue: November 1990, Volume VII - Issue 19 Pages: 147-150
0 563

Mustafa Kemal Paşa ve Yıldırım Ordular Grup Komutanlığı

Zekeriya Türkmen

Issue: July 2000, Volume XVI - Issue 47 Pages: 395-419
0 2246

Türk Edebiyatında Mustafa Kemal (Atatürk) İsminin Yer Aldığı İlk “Manzum” ve “Mensur” Esere Dâir

Ömer Çakır

Issue: March 2001, Volume XVII - Issue 49 Pages: 119-130
0 650

Atatürk, The Leader of National Liberation and Its International Influence

Turhan Feyzioğlu

Issue: November 1986, Volume III - Issue 7 Pages: 13-48
0 1067

Journey Bginning in Samsun and Ending in İzmir (1919-1922)

İsmet Giritli

Issue: November 1986, Volume III - Issue 7 Pages: 49-58
0 954

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, Oeuvre Et İnfluence

Turhan Feyzioğlu

Issue: March 1987, Volume III - Issue 8 Pages: 287-358
0 1248