ISSN: 1011-727X
e-ISSN: 2667-5420

Mehmet Akif (Ersoy), Burdur Deputy of the First Parliament of Turkey and His Aktivities

Hakan Bacanlı

Issue: May 2018, Volume XXXIV - Issue 97 Pages: 1-54
4044 861

The Activities Against Ottoman Empire and the Organization of Turks in Switzerland (1918-1922)

Cengiz Mutlu

Issue: July 2012, Volume XXVIII - Issue 83 Pages: 65-86
3086 2151

Establishment of Arab Bureau Against Turkish-German Propaganda

Ü. Gülsüm Polat

Issue: January 2010, Volume XXVI - Issue 76 Pages: 97-132
1139 941

Kemalist Thought and Tourism

Alparslan Aliağaoğlu, Faruk Alaeddinoğlu

Issue: March 2005, Volume XXI - Issue 61 Pages: 347-366
0 1010

Milli Mücadele’de ve Cumhuriyetin İlk Döneminde Propaganda ve Tanıtım Çalışmaları

Fahri Sakal

Issue: March 2003, Volume XIX - Issue 55 Pages: 83-103
0 1042

Allied Propaganda And Counter-Propaganda During Çanakkale Battles

Hamit Pehlivanlı

Issue: July 1991, Volume VII - Issue 21 Pages: 535-552 DOI: 10.33419/aamd.702988
0 727