ISSN: 1011-727X
e-ISSN: 2667-5420

Şadiye Tutsak

Keywords: Uşak, Alaşehir, The Greeks, The National Forces, Socicty


Upon the end of the Woıid War I, in the conflicted atmosfere in the Ottoman country due to the conflict betvven Hürriyet ve İtilaf Party and İttihat ve Terakki vvho lost his ruling povver, the emerging of the national forces vvas really difficıılt. The emerging of the National Foıces in Uşak vvhich had sııch an impoılant service in the back front in the strııggle against the Greeks vvho started invading the Western Anatolia after İzmir vvas realized in the same vvay. In this process, a secret society in coopera- tion vvith the Karakol Cemiyet vvasformed. As a resıılt of the works this secret society, the national forces came to the city on 17 Jnly 1919 and held the control of the city. Since İbrahim Tahtakılıç, a farmcr of İttihat ve Terakki, vvas vvoıried aboııt that the secret society could damage people, he formed the "Reddi-i İlhak Cemiyet". With great efforts, the national forces became a pııblic movement. İbrahim Bey, vvho participated in Alaşehir Congress, drevv attention of the other participants vvith his acli ve sepeeches. The tranfer of Alaşehir Congress, an ııpper congress in the Westren Anatolia, dravvs attention to the impoılant role of Uşak in the back front ııntil the Greek invasion.