ISSN: 1011-727X
e-ISSN: 2667-5420

Yunus Pustu

Keywords: Encümen-i Muallimîn, Milli Talim ve Terbiye Cemiyeti, Terakki-i Maarif ve İttihad-ı Muallimîn Cemiyeti, Mekatib-i İbtidaiye Muallimler Cemiyeti


It is possible to date back the roots of Civil Society Organizations described as society or association to Aristo time (385-322 BC.) On the other hand, "the Law of the Twelve Tables" introduced during the Roman time also plays an important role in terms of the foundation of civil society organizations. Activities of becoming societies/associations in modern way have appeared in the Western world from the 17th century. In the 19th century, many professional societies specialized in the field were founded. In the Ottoman Empire, this process started with the Tanzimat Fermanı (Imperial Edict of Reorganization) declared in the 19th century. The atmosphere of freedom that was brought by the Ottoman Reform Edict of 1856 and First Constitution also have importance in this respect. Liberty of officially establishing associations started with the "Law of Associations" introduced through the Second Constitutional Era. As a result of the background coming from the Tanzimat times and legal freedom brought by the "Law of Associations", teachers also began to engage in forming associations like other professional groups.

Accordingly, first established teachers' association was "Encümen-ı Muallimn". This organization activity continued in the form of "Muhafaza-ı Hukuk-i Muallimîn", "Cemiyet-i Muallimîn", "Neşr-i Maarif ve Teavün-i Muallimîn", "Konferans Cemiyeti", "Milli Talim ve Terbiye Cemiyeti", "Terakki-i Maarif ve İttihad-ı Muallimîn Cemiyeti", "Mahfel-i Muallimîn", "Muallimler Yurdu", "Muallimler Cemiyeti", "Mekatib-i İbtidaiye Muallimleri Cemiyeti", "Dârülmuallimîn Mezunları Cemiyeti" and "Dârülmuallimîn ve Dârülmuallimât Mezunları Cemiyeti". Although teachers' associations established between 1908-1919 were large in number, they remained weak in terms of activity. The catastrophic atmosphere brought by Balkan Wars and First World War had negative impacts on teachers' associations like in other fields.