ISSN: 1011-727X
e-ISSN: 2667-5420

Erol Evcin

T.C. Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı, Kültür Varlıkları ve Müzeler Genel Müdürlüğü, Ankara/TÜRKİYE

Keywords: Atatürk Era, Ghazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, National Holidays, Republic Day, Türkiye’s Foreign Representatives.


The declaration of the Republic on October 29, 1923 brought about a radical change and transformation in the political field in Türkiye. The Republican regime, which handed over the unconditional right of sovereignty to the Turkish nation in the administration, was at the center of the revolutionary movement implemented in Türkiye with its eagerness to development. Ghazi Mustafa Kemal and his friends fought a tough struggle to impose the existence of the new regime on the country and the world and to ensure that it took root. For this reason, the Republic celebrations held especially in the first 10 years had a special meaning and importance.

On the occasion of this study, the Republic celebrations held in Türkiye's Foreign Representatives in the first 10 years of the new regime were examined in the light of original information and documents. These activities, hosted by Turkish diplomats with the participation of foreign diplomats, leading government officials, prominent figures from the world of science, art, literature and the press, as well as Turkish citizens, were important in terms of reflecting the changes and developments in Türkiye's political, economic, social and cultural life abroad.

While there is a lot of research on the Republic celebrations in Türkiye, the lack of an independent study on the celebrations organized abroad through Turkish Foreign Representatives is a significant deficiency in the literature. This study aimed to eliminate this deficiency. Among the main sources of the study are the documents in the Presidential State Archives Directorate Republic Archive (BCA), the Grand National Assembly of Türkiye Minutes, the Official Gazette and the Code are of importance. In addition, Hâkimiyet-i Milliye, Ulus, Cumhuriyet, Akşam, Vakit, İkdam and Tanin newspapers were widely used. Various copyright research works and current periodicals on the subject were also used.

The information provided was classified and analyzed, passed through a critical filter, and an original interpretation was made. In this regard, the “Document Analysis Method”, which is frequently used in qualitative research, was preferred in the study.

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